Join us for our upcoming Women's Fertility Group at The Womb Wellness Center. This fertility support group will meet the first and third Thursday of each month for 12 weeks beginning August 4, 2016. Megan Davis and Tracie Zamiska will host our group, offering women a wide variety of practical self care tools to incorporate into their wellness routines to help reduce stress and optimize their health and wellness. This group is limited to 12 participants. Click HERE to reserve your space.
The Womb Wellness Center will have a booth (and our massage chair!) at the upcoming Chagrin Valley Community EXPO. The Chagrin Valley Chamber of Commerce is hosting a free event to highlight the local Chagrin Valley Chamber members and their businesses. By stopping by the EXPO and telling your friends about this event you are showing your support to your own local business community.
We invite you to join us, stop by our booth to say hello and receive a FREE 5 minute chair massage and enter to win a Womb Wellness Center gift certificate! First of all, I can't even begin to put into words how excited I am about the upcoming Spinning Babies workshop in Cleveland. Eeeks! My inner birth nerd is totally geeking out. Gail Tully is doing amazing work for birthing mamas. She is know for being the "Spinning Babies" lady who teaches women how to create optimal fetal positioning. She teaches belly mapping so mothers can figure out the positions of their child in the womb. She has exercises to help women prepare their body for birth and to turn breech babies. She also has tools to help birth doulas or their care providers recognize labor signs of a mispositioned baby and what to do turn him or her in labor. Her website is for both expecting mothers and birth professionals and it has a wealth of information. Each time I visit her website I learn new tools for my massage and doula clients. I have passed along her website countless times to expecting mamas. I encourage you to explore her site or join me at her workshop!
The Spinning Babies workshop is on Thursday May 1st or Friday May 2nd from 8:30-5:30pm. You can visit her website to register The Womb Wellness Center is hosting another Baby Clinic on Friday March 21st from 10:00-3:00pm. Nancy Weidner will be offering infant treatments. The recommended donation is $15-$30 for a session. Crainosacral therapy is a gentle effective massage modality that is helpful for infants and children as well as adults. If possible, it is recommended for infants to receive treatment soon after birth. This can help to aid in health and well being as well as to reduce the repercussions of a difficult birth.
Craniosacral Therapy for Infants Can Help: -fussy, hard to sooth babies -babies who seem uncomfortable in their bodies -babies who have digestive or elimination difficulties -reflux -colic -spitting up -babies who have a difficult time breastfeeding with latching, favoring one side or position -babies who favor turning their heads to one side -babies who seem overly sensitive -babies who hate tummy time -teething babies -non-sleeping babies (information from Carol Gray Dear Kade,
On the night you were born, I was awoken at 11pm with what I thought was a pretty strong braxton hicks. About ten minutes later I had another and my bag of waters broke. I was 38 weeks pregnant and 4 days. Many thoughts came rushing into my head. "Could this be it?" I thought, "Was that really my water breaking or I did I just pee myself?", "Only 10% of labors start with water breaking.", "Wholly crap is this it!" After about four or five more contractions that hour with a slow leak I knew that it was it. Our birth process had begun and I would meet you soon. That second hour the surges began to get really close together. The sensations were strong, stronger than I had anticipated with labor just beginning. I woke your daddy up and then had a big cry. I had a moment of real doubt and I wasn't sure if I would really be able to birth you naturally. The contractions were getting intense fast. But your daddy told me that I was doing it and that we would meet you soon. At that point during each contraction I got on my hands and knees and rocked back and forth. We called our doula, Julie, and she headed to our house. We started gathering our things and packing our bags, because of course I hadn't packed for the hospital yet! As we were packing my contractions were getting stronger and more intense, they were two minutes apart and I knew labor was going really fast. We decided it was time to leave for the hospital so we called our doula back to have her meet us at the hospital. I went through transition during our 45 minute drive to the hospital, leaning over your car seat in the back of daddy's car, moaning and rocking to help me cope with the pain. Daddy kept reminding me to stay focused on my breath and that really helped me then. When we finally got to the hospital our doula met us outside. She knew just what to say and do to help me relax as we made our way up to the birthing suite. I started to feel a lot of pressure and once I was checked by the nurse at 3:00pm my cervix was completely dilated and I was ready to push. While I was pushing you were having a little bit of trouble. Your heart rate was low and it worried the OB and midwife, they were both there because my midwife arrived just before you were born. They gave me oxygen, an IV, and helped me change positions to help give you more oxygen. I started talking to you and telling you it was safe to be born now. You were born shortly there after and they put you on my chest and you were so beautiful. You had surprised us all because you were so healthy and pink with 9 9 Apgars. Maybe your heart rate was low because you were just as shocked as we were that you came into the world so fast? Your daddy and I were so happy you were here. I had waited so long to meet you and I instantly fell in love with you. You were born at 3:31am, weighed 6lbs and 6 oz, and were 18 1/2 inches long. You were the cutest baby I had ever seen! xoxo Love, Mama Jolynn will be out of the office on Maternity Leave from Monday November 11th- January 31st. She will begin taking massage appointments on Saturday February 1st, 2014 and new doula clients with due dates May 2014 and beyond.
While she is on leave please feel free to call and schedule your massage appointment with Hannah or with Jolynn in advance for when she returns to the office. The Womb Wellness Center will remain open while Jolynn is on Maternity Leave! Hannah will continue to be available for massage appointments on Mondays and Wednesdays. She specializes in Rehabilitation massage, Deep tissue, and Wellness massage. She is also happy to offer Wellness massage for fertility clients and Prenatal massage for mamas to be. We will be hosting our first Women's Circle in Cleveland at the Womb Wellness Center on Saturday September 21st from 4:30-5:45pm. A few of our Maya Abdominal Therapy clients have expressed interest in experiencing the Uterus Meditation to deepen their healing journey. We hope that hosting a Women's Circle is a favorable way to experience this meditation.
Maya Women's Circle: Awakening the Voice of Your Uterus We will be guided through Rosita Arvigo's Uterus Meditation and then circle to honor our unique experiences. This powerful 40 minute guided uterus meditation is designed to help you tap into your body's inner knowing, unlock any old patterns that do not serve you, and awaken you to your womb wisdom. Date: Saturday September 21st, 2013 Time: 4:30-5:45pm Location: The Womb Wellness Center 30539 Pinetree Rd, 236 Pepper Pike, OH 44124 Cost: $15.00 To Register: Reserve your space now by registering online for this workshop Registration limited to 5 women. If you have been to the Womb Wellness Center recently many of you have noticed that Jolynn is expecting her first child! She is due with a sweet baby boy at the end of November. She is feeling great and will continue to provide massage therapy services until sometime in November. She will out of the office from the end of November through January 2014. Jolynn will return to offer massage and doula services after maternity leave but we will have to keep you posted as to when her official maternity leave dates will be. As far as doula services, she has decided not to take on any new clients with due dates before Spring 2014. If you or anyone you know is due before March 2014 and is interested hiring a doula we would be happy to pass along our doula referral list.
![]() The Womb Wellness Center is a vendor at the Big Red Wagon Maternity and Kids Consignment Sale on the East Side of Cleveland this Weekend. Stop by the Womb Wellness Center's vendor booth to say hello! We are offering chair massage, raffling off a FREE 60 Minute Massage, and selling Womb Wellness Center Gift Certificates for 30% off. August 15th, 16th, and 17th, 2013 Thursday from 9am-8pm Friday from 9am-8pm Saturday 9am-1pm Location: 27627 Chardon Rd Willoughby Hills, OH 44092 ![]() Five Benefits of Receiving a Chair Massage Session 1. Chair Massage boosts your energy, alertness, and even productivity 2. Receiving Chair Massage reduces pain and muscle tension 3. Relaxes and Rejuvenates 4. Chair Massage helps to reduce emotional stress 5. Receiving massage assists in preventing repetitive stress injuries We will be offering Chair Massage at Ewes d'bleu, Yarns of Distinction! Our friendly neighbors at Ewes d'bleu, the Yarn shop in our building, have invited us to offer chair massage during their open knitting nights. Please join us if you are the crafty type or need a quick last minute massage we will be offering chair massage at the shop on Thursday July 25th and Thursday August 15th from 6-8pm. You can choose from the following options: Heavenly Hand Massage: Take the time to treat yourself to a soothing hand massage. Our treatment increases circulation to relieve aching fingers and hands, alleviate wrist soreness and increase joint flexibility. This ten minute therapeutic hand massage will leave you feeling relaxed and refreshed. $15.00 Upper Body Wellness Massage: Give yourself the gift of a rejuvenating upper body massage. During this massage we will focus on your neck, shoulders, arms, and hands. This twenty minute deeply relaxing and therapeutic soft tissue massage can help you connect with your body, release restrictions, and restore your sense of wellness within. $25 Ewes d'Bleu Yarns of Distinction 30559 Pine Tree Road Suite 206 Pepper Pike, OH 44124 |
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March 2017