New Clients Need Intake Forms
We have a brief intake form for you to complete before we begin your first massage. If you are new to The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® or Acupuncture please fill out those packets.
Please print and bring these with you to your appointment. If you are unable to print, please come 15-20 minutes early to fill out your forms in office or email us your forms and we will print them out for you.
Initial Massage Intake Form
Initial Maya Abdominal Therapy Intake Form
Initial Acupuncture Intake Form
Acupuncture Appointments
Initial Acupuncture sessions are 90 minutes and include time for a consultation and an acupuncture treatment. If you are receiving moxibustion for a baby that is breech, we recommend starting sessions at around 33 weeks. Schedule an initial session if this will be your first time seeing Michelle. Herbal follow up appointments that do not include acupuncture and are only for those who have been in for an initial session. Please email or call the studio to schedule.
Maya Abdominal Therapy Appointments
Initial Maya Abdominal Therapy Appointments are 2 hours long because the first hour is the initial consult. This consult will include an in-depth intake and self care instruction. After the consult, the massage will then start. You will be able to ask any more questions you have after the massage as well.
24-Hour Cancellation Policy
24-hour advance notice is required when canceling an appointment. This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule an appointment. If you are unable to give us 24-hours advance notice you will be charged the full amount of your appointment. COVID19 Update: If you are experiencing respiratory or flu-like symptoms including, fever, cough, or shortness of breath you must reschedule your appointment and you will not be charged the cancellation fee. Please give us as much notification as possible.
Please print and bring these with you to your appointment. If you are unable to print, please come 15-20 minutes early to fill out your forms in office or email us your forms and we will print them out for you.
Initial Massage Intake Form
Initial Maya Abdominal Therapy Intake Form
Initial Acupuncture Intake Form
Acupuncture Appointments
Initial Acupuncture sessions are 90 minutes and include time for a consultation and an acupuncture treatment. If you are receiving moxibustion for a baby that is breech, we recommend starting sessions at around 33 weeks. Schedule an initial session if this will be your first time seeing Michelle. Herbal follow up appointments that do not include acupuncture and are only for those who have been in for an initial session. Please email or call the studio to schedule.
Maya Abdominal Therapy Appointments
Initial Maya Abdominal Therapy Appointments are 2 hours long because the first hour is the initial consult. This consult will include an in-depth intake and self care instruction. After the consult, the massage will then start. You will be able to ask any more questions you have after the massage as well.
24-Hour Cancellation Policy
24-hour advance notice is required when canceling an appointment. This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule an appointment. If you are unable to give us 24-hours advance notice you will be charged the full amount of your appointment. COVID19 Update: If you are experiencing respiratory or flu-like symptoms including, fever, cough, or shortness of breath you must reschedule your appointment and you will not be charged the cancellation fee. Please give us as much notification as possible.